Saber2pr's Blog


The picture img tag display requires a request to the src resource before it can be displayed. So how do you fill it with a bitmap before it is displayed? Principle:

  1. Use useState (JSX) to toggle the displayed components
const [body, alter] = useState(comp)
const destory = () => alter(null)
  1. Set display:none first with img element
const [style, setStyle] = useState<CSSProperties>({ display: "none" })
const visu = () => setStyle({ display: "inline" })
  1. Destroy the placeholder component in img.onLoad and set display:inline
const [defaultImg, destory] = usePreComp(fallback)
const ref = useRef<HTMLImageElement>()

return (
      onError={() => ref.current.remove()}
      onLoad={event => {
        destory() // 销毁占位组件
        visu() // 显示img
        onLoad && onLoad(event)

Hook used to toggle display components

export const usePreComp = (comp: JSX.Element): [JSX.Element, VoidFunction] => {
  const [body, alter] = useState(comp)
  const destory = () => alter(null)
  return [body, destory]

Complete code