Saber2pr's Blog


Judge back to the text string

function checkStr(str) {
  return (
    str ===

Array deduplication

  1. Using Set data structure
function dedup(arr) {
  return [ Set(arr)]

two。 Using Array.prototype.includes

function dedup(arr) {
  return arr.reduce(
    (out, cur) => (out.includes(cur) ? out : out.concat(cur)),
  1. Take advantage of Object attribute
function dedup(arr) {
  const obj = {}
  const result = []
  for (const item of arr) {
    if (!(item in obj)) {
      obj[item] = result.push(item)
  return result
  1. Deduplication of object array
const array = [
    { url: 'xxx' },
    { url: 'xxx' },
    { url: 'yyy' }

const dedup = (arr, key) => array.reduce((acc, item) =>
    acc.find(i => i[key] === item[key]) ? acc : acc.concat(item), [])

dedup(array, 'url')

Array disorder

  1. Using sort and random
const shuffle = arr => arr.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5)

two。 Random exchange

function shuffle(arr) {
  for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    const index = parseInt(Math.random() * (arr.length - 1))
    ;[arr[i], arr[index]] = [arr[index], arr[i]]
  return arr


function Fibonacci(n) {
  const result = []
  let i = 0
  while (i < n) {
    if (i <= 1) {
    } else {
      result.push(result[i - 1] + result[i - 2])
  return result

Find out the maximum difference of the array

function getMaxProfit(arr) {
  return Math.max.apply(null, arr) - Math.min.apply(null, arr)

Randomly generate a string of specified length

function randomString(length) {
  const str = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz9876543210"
  return Array(length)
    .map(() => str.charAt(Math.floor(str.length * Math.random())))

Implement getElementsByClassName

function queryClassName(element, className) {
  return Array.from(element.getElementsByTagName("*")).filter(
    e => e.className === className

Empty the array

  1. Using Array.prototype.splice
function clear(arr) {
  arr.splice(0, arr.length)
  return arr

two。 Directly assign a value to Array.prototype.length

function clear(arr) {
  arr.length = 0
  return arr

Keep specified decimal places


function Fix(n, fractionDigits) {
  return n.toFixed(fractionDigits)

Generates a random alphanumeric string of specified length (uuid)

Math.random().toString(36) outputs a result with a decimal point in front of it, so use substr to intercept the latter part.

the first parameter of both substr and slice is the start position, the second parameter substr is the length, and slice is the end position

function uuid(len = 10) {
  let str = ""
  while (str.length < len) {
    str += Math.random()
  // 控制长度
  return str.slice(0, len)

Implement a simple template engine

function render(template, data) {
  // const slot = /{{\w+}}/g
  // const bracket = /{{|}}/g
  // let res = slot.exec(template)
  // while (res) {
  //   template = template.replace(res[0], data[res[0].replace(bracket, '')])
  //   res = slot.exec(template)
  // }
  // return template
  return template.replace(/{{\w+}}/g, slot => data[slot.replace(/{{|}}/g, "")])
console.log(render(`name:{{name}}, age:{{age}}`, { name: "saber", age: 21 }))

Randomly select an element in an array

const randSelect = list => list[parseInt(list.length * Math.random())]

Limit the length after encode while ensuring that the result can be decode

 * 限制encode后的长度,同时保证结果可以decode
 * ```ts
 * // 示例
 * decodeURIComponent(resolveEncode('一二三四五六七八', 45)) // 一二三四
 * ```
 export const resolveEncode = (str: string, maxLen: number) => {
  let prev = '';
  let prevEncoded = '';
  for (const ch of str) {
    const current = prev + ch;
    const currentEncoded = encodeURIComponent(current);
    if (currentEncoded.length >= maxLen) {
      // fallback prev
      return prevEncoded;
    prev = current;
    prevEncoded = currentEncoded;
  return prevEncoded;