Implement reflect-metadata
- First of all, explain what to do. Implement a container that holds classes, and automatically build instances according to the dependencies between classes. two。 Core principles: Use Reflect-metadata to get the parameter type (design:paramtypes) in the constructor. Reflect-metadata is used to define and obtain metadata on target objects. Let me give you an example:
class Service {
constructor() {}
class Controller {
constructor(private Service: Service) {}
A Service class, a Controller class, where the Controller class depends on the Service class. Using Reflect, you can easily get the paramtypes in the constructor of the Controller class.
Implement @ Injectable
e Injectable function returns a class decorator that uses reflection to get the parameter type of the constructor of the decorated class. Give me a chestnut first.
const enum DESIGN {
PARAMTYPES = "design:paramtypes"
function Injectable(): ClassDecorator {
return target => {
// 获取被装饰类的构造函数的参数类型
const ctorParams: any[] = Reflect.getMetadata(DESIGN.PARAMTYPES, target);
Use the design key to get the parameter list:
class Service {
constructor() {}
@Injectable() // Array [ Service() ]
class Controller {
constructor(private Service: Service) {}
@ Injectable
export function Injectable(id?: PropertyKey): ClassDecorator {
return target => {
// 索引键值默认为
const token = id ||;
// 如果token已存在则抛出Error
if (Reflect.hasMetadata(token, MetaStore)) {
throw new Error(`id:[${String(token)}] is existed!`);
} else {
Reflect.defineMetadata(token, target, MetaStore);
Injectable provides an optional id?, to avoid naming conflicts. In this way, classes that are decorated by Injectable () will be cached in MetaStore.
@ Inject
Constructor parameter injection. Read and write metadata on the target to inject dependency information.
// target身上的元数据类型(参数注入)
export type ParamMeta = Array<[PropertyKey, number]>;
export function Inject(id: PropertyKey): ParameterDecorator {
return (target, _, index) => {
// 获取到target身上的ParamMeta,如果没有就创建一个新的
const depMeta =
Reflect.getMetadata<ParamMeta>(CUSTOM.META_PARAM, target) || [];
// push一个ParamMeta,id和index
depMeta.push([id, index]);
// 再把ParamMeta保存回target
Reflect.defineMetadata(CUSTOM.META, depMeta, target);
index is the subscript of the parameter in the function (constructor) arguments array, and id is Injectable-token For example:
@Injectable() // 缓存到MetaStore, id: 'Service'.
class Service {}
interface IService {}
class Controller {
// inject注解,请求依赖为id: 'Service', 位置为index: 0
constructor(@Inject("Service") private Service: IService) {}
@ InjectProp
member attribute injection. Read and write metadata on the target to inject dependency information.
// target身上的元数据类型(成员属性注入)
export type PropMeta = Array<[PropertyKey, PropertyKey]>;
export function InjectProp(id?: PropertyKey): PropertyDecorator {
return (target, key) => {
// 请求的依赖token,默认为成员属性名key
const token = id || key;
// 获取到target身上的PropMeta,如果没有就创建一个新的
const depMeta =
Reflect.getMetadata<PropMeta>(CUSTOM.META_PROP, target) || [];
// push一个PropMeta,id和index
depMeta.push([token, key]);
// 再把ParamMeta保存回target
Reflect.defineMetadata(CUSTOM.META_PROP, depMeta, target);
For example:
@Injectable() // 缓存到MetaStore, id: 'Service'.
class Service {}
interface IService {}
class Controller {
// inject注解,请求依赖为id: 'Service', 属性名为'Service'
@InjectProp() private Service: IService;
Implement the Injector function (core)
ild the entire dependency tree from the entrance and generate the root instance here, we need to use the idea of AOP to do the aspect before and after Target generates an instance.
type Constructor<T = any> = { new (...args: Array<any>): T };
export function Injector<T>(Target: Constructor<T>): T | Constructor<T> {
// 如果是静态类,直接返回
if (Reflect.hasMetadata(CUSTOM.STATIC, Target)) return Target;
// before 拿到ParamMeta实例数组
const instances = before(Target);
// 注入ParamMeta实例数组,生成Target实例
const target = new Target(...instances);
// after 进行PropMeta依赖注入
return target;
Obtain metadata information (ParamMeta) through Target, and return processed dependency instance array
function before<T>(Target: Constructor<T>) {
// 获取设计元数据,也就是构造函数参数中的依赖项
const deps =
Reflect.getMetadata<Array<Constructor>>(DESIGN.PARAMTYPES, Target) || [];
// 获取Injected tags
const tags = Reflect.getMetadata<ParamMeta>(CUSTOM.META_PARAM, Target) || [];
// 遍历每一个tag
tags.forEach(([id, index]) => {
// 如果MetaStore中已注册
if (Reflect.hasMetadata(id, MetaStore)) {
// 找到MetaStore中id对应的metadata,按index插入deps
deps[index] = Reflect.getMetadata(id, MetaStore);
} else {
// 若没找到,则抛出异常
throw new Error(`injected dep:${String(id)} not found`);
// 对每一个ParamMeta依赖进行Injector依赖注入,得到实例数组并返回
tain metadata information (PropMeta) through the Target instance, and define the processed dependencies on the Target instance
function after<T>(target: T) {
// 获取PropMeta,也就是成员属性名关联的元数据
const props = Reflect.getMetadata<PropMeta>(CUSTOM.META_PROP, target) || [];
// 遍历每一个PropMeta元素
props.forEach(([id, key]) => {
// 如果MetaStore中已注册
if (Reflect.hasMetadata(id, MetaStore)) {
// 在MetaStore中找到对应metadata,也就是PropertyKey对应的依赖
const dep = Reflect.getMetadata<Constructor>(id, MetaStore);
// 对依赖进行依赖注入,得到依赖实例
const instance = Injector(dep);
// 将依赖实例作为属性定义到target上
Object.defineProperty(target, key, { value: instance });
} else {
// 若没找到,则抛出异常
throw new Error(`injected dep:${String(id)} not found`);
class Service {
public getUser() {
return "saber!";
class Controller {
public constructor(@Inject("Service") private Service: Service) {}
// @InjectProp() private Service: Service
public test() {
const app = Injector(Controller);
app.test(); // 'saber!