Saber2pr's Blog


: not (selector)

Inverse selector.

/* 类名不是 `.fancy` 的 <p> 元素 */
p:not(.fancy) {
  color: green;

/* 非 <p> 元素 */
body :not(p) {
  text-decoration: underline;

/* 既不是 <div> 也不是 <span> 的元素 */
body :not(div):not(span) {
  font-weight: bold;

: first-child

Matches the first element in a set of sibling elements


Match the first li element under ul:

li:first-child {
  color: red;

first selector refers to the style of the first page when printing a document.

: first-child

Matches the last element in a set of sibling elements

First-of-type and: last-of-type

Represents the first / last element of the specified type under its parent. Different from: first-child,: first-child: For example:

li:last-child {
  color: red;

li:last-of-type {
  background: blue;

DOM structure:


li:last-child wanted to match the last element of ul and was li, but it didn't exist so the match failed. What li:last-of-type wants to match is the last li element of ul, which exists.

: nth-child (n)

Matches the Nth child element that belongs to its parent element.

p:nth-child(2) {
  color: red;

Matches the second element p under the parent element. Special usage: 1.: nth-child (2n) selects an even tag. 2n can also be even.

  1. Nth-child (2n-1) Select an odd tag, and 2n-1 can be odd. 3.: nth-child (3n+1) Custom selection tag, 3n+1 means "take one every two" 4.: nth-child (nasty 4) Select tags greater than or equal to 4 5.: nth-child (- nasty 4) Select 4 tags less than or equal to 6.: last-child selects the last tag
  2. Nth-last-child (3) Select the last tag, and 3 means the third.