Saber2pr's Blog


The principle is relatively simple, which is to judge the current language environment through vscode.env.language. Take a look at how @ iceworks/i18n does it:

import * as template from 'lodash.template'

export interface ITextMap {
  // 这里约定了一个key的命名格式
  // "${namespace}.${extensionName}.${moudelName}.${fieldName}": "xxx"
  [key: string]: string

export default class I18n {
  // 语言包列表
  localesTextMap: { [locale: string]: ITextMap } = {}

  // 当前语言包
  currentTextMap: ITextMap = {}

  // 注册语言包
  // text是一个字典对象
  registry(locale: string, text: ITextMap) {
    this.localesTextMap[locale] = text

  // 设置当前语言环境
  setLocal(locale: string) {
    this.currentTextMap =
      this.localesTextMap[locale] ||

  // 获取lang字符串
  format(contentKey: string, args?: Record<string, unknown>) {
    const i18nformatString = this.currentTextMap[contentKey]
    if (!i18nformatString) {
      return ''

    return args ? template(i18nformatString)(args) : i18nformatString


import * as zhCNTextMap from './locales/zh-CN.json'
import * as enUSTextMap from './locales/en-US.json'

const i18n = new I18nService()
// 注册语言包
i18n.registry('zh-cn', zhCNTextMap)
i18n.registry('en', enUSTextMap)

// 设置当前语言环境