State Hook
There are two questions left in the beginWork/updateHookComponent function, which are about the Order class and currentFiber.
function updateHOOKComponent(fiber: Fiber) {
// 省略细节...
currentFiber = fiber.instance;
// 省略细节...
CurrentFiber is the instantaneous execution point in the scheduling process, and a copy is captured and saved in the hook API closure.
sequential ID allocator
class Order {
private constructor() {}
public static create() {
const instance = new Order();
return instance;
public static insList: Order[] = [];
private it = Order.INIT();
public forward() {
private fallback() { = Order.INIT();
public static fallback() {
Order.insList.forEach(ins => ins.fallback());
private static *INIT() {
for (let i = 0; ; ++i) yield i;
It's just an inert infinite sequence, that is, [0,1…] Forward is used to allocate ID,fallback for allocator rollback. What problem does it solve? Distinguish between contexts that call the same type of Hook API multiple times.
UseState implementation
Depend on the Fiber.state attribute
// state hook的顺序id分配器
const StateOrder = Order.create();
// setState类型
type Dispatcher<T> = (state: T) => void;
export function useState<T>(initialState: T): [T, Dispatcher<T>] {
// 给当前hook关联的state分配一个id
const id = StateOrder.forward();
// currentFiber是一个不断变化的值,hook内部需要捕获并缓存一份它的瞬时值
// 记录即缓存一份currentFiber,拿到控制权,用于从当前记录点恢复
const fiber = currentFiber;
// fiber.state是一个state map,类型为 {[id:string]: Dict}
const stateMap = fiber.state;
// 如果当前id不存在则stateMap[id]初始化为init state
if (!(id in stateMap)) stateMap[id] = initialState;
// setState函数
const setState: Dispatcher<T> = state => {
// 检查setState执行时期,如果workInProgress存在表明是同步调用setState
// setState必须为异步调用,否则调度机制会陷入死循环
// 而且同步调用setState也没有任何意义。
if (workInProgress) {
throw new Error("setState should be executed asynchronously.");
// 根据id拿到当前hook分配到的state,并更新为传入的新的state
stateMap[id] = state;
// 从hook 闭包内保存的fiber断点恢复(或叫返回现场)
// 返回分配到的state和setState函数
return [stateMap[id], setState];