Saber2pr's Blog


JsxFactory function

The React.createElement function, which is used to generate VNode nodes and link them into VNode trees

Function declaration

function createElement<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(
  tag: K,
  props: Partial<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>,
  ...childNodes: JSX.Element[]
): JSX.Element

K generic parameters are constrained to keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap, such as "div", "a", "button" and so on. You can take a look at the definition of HTMLElementTagNameMap in the TS standard library:

interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
  a: HTMLAnchorElement;
  abbr: HTMLElement;
  address: HTMLElement;
  applet: HTMLAppletElement;
  area: HTMLAreaElement;
  article: HTMLElement;
  aside: HTMLElement;
  audio: HTMLAudioElement;
  b: HTMLElement;
  base: HTMLBaseElement;
  basefont: HTMLBaseFontElement;
  bdo: HTMLElement;
  blockquote: HTMLQuoteElement;
  body: HTMLBodyElement;
  br: HTMLBRElement;
  button: HTMLButtonElement;

So HTMLElementTagNameMap [K] is the attribute type that K corresponds to HTMLElement. ChildNodes is a child node, for example

const List = React.createElement(
  React.createElement("li", null),
  React.createElement("li", null)

This List is a JSX.Element instance with childNodes [{tag:"li", props:null}, {tag:"li", props:null}], rendering to the real DOM is


Function realization

export function createElement<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(
  tag: K,
  props: Partial<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>,
  ...childNodes: JSX.Element[]
): JSX.Element {
  // 用于map的映射函数
  // 判断childNode类型,如果它是string或者number类型,则生成一个为tag为text的VNode
  // 将childNode(就是文本节点内容)作为props中nodeValue的值
  const mapper = (c: any): any =>
    typeof c === "string" || typeof c === "number"
      ? createElement("text" as "span", { nodeValue: c as string })
      : c

  // 对childNodes中每个子节点执行上面的映射函数
  const children = [].concat(...childNodes).map(mapper)
  // 将处理好的children保存在props中然后返回一个VNode节点
  return <any>{ tag, props: { ...props, children } }

Here's a very interesting operation that seems useless.


The expression [] .concat (… array) is often used to reduce the dimension of array arrays, for example

;[].concat(...[1, 2, [3, 4]]) // [1, 2, 3, 4]

So when might the childNodes array become "flat"? As an example of a scenario, there is often an operation in React components For example, you want to get a list of a, b, c through the array ['asides,' b'].


JSX tags can be seen as values in React, so you can use array map to generate efficiently:

  {["a", "b"].map(ch => (
    <li key={ch}>{ch}</li>

After compilation

  ["a", "b"].map(ch =>
      { key: ch },
      React.createElement("text", { nodeValue: ch })
    React.createElement("text", { nodeValue: "c" })

Analyze the VNode tree it generated.

  tag: "ul", props: null,
    {tag:"li", null,
      {tag:"text", {nodeValue: 'a'}}
    {tag:"li", null,
      {tag:"text", {nodeValue: 'b'}}
  {tag:"li", null,
      {tag:"text", {nodeValue: 'c'}}

To simplify, it becomes the structure of ['await,' b'],'c'], and becomes not "flat"! But the structure of the three li tags should be ['averse,' baked,'c'], so the array needs to be dimensionally reduced.