In fact, a large number of Functor and Monad are already used in JS.
- Functor For example: In haskell
fmap (+1) [1,2,3] -- [2, 3, 4]
Similarly, there are in JS
Array.from([1, 2, 3], x => x + 1) // [2, 3, 4]
- Monad for example: In haskell
Just 233 >>= \x -> Just $ x + 1 -- Just 234
Similarly, there are in JS
Promise.resolve(233).then(x => x + 1) // Promise {<resolved>: 234}
- Monad do-block for example: In haskell
test :: Monad m => m Integer
test = pure 233
result :: Monad m => m Integer
result = do
value <- test
return $ value + 1
Similarly, there are in JS
const test = Promise.resolve(233)
const result = async () => {
const value = await test
return value + 1