Saber2pr's Blog


Line drawing process

  1. Call beginPath, set the line style, and start the drawing two。 Call lineTo to specify path coordinates
  2. Call stroke to finish drawing


  1. BeginPath Start a drawing
  2. MoveTo Set the brush start point

set the starting point and draw the line segment; if you do not set the starting point, draw the point.

  1. LineTo Set brush end point
  2. Stroke Perform drawing

Draw lines on the canvas with the mouse

const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")

let lock = false

const canvasDown = () => {
  lock = true
  ctx.strokeStyle = options.color
  ctx.shadowBlur = options.scale
  ctx.shadowColor = options.color

const canvasMove = ({ offsetX, offsetY }) => {
  if (!lock) return
  ctx.lineTo(offsetX, offsetY)

const canvasUp = () => {
  lock = false

canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", canvasDown)
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", canvasMove)
canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", canvasUp)