Use regular escape
The exec method of the regular object (global g) can be used to iterate through the search string and record the matching position to the lastIndex attribute
- Using split to disassemble a string into character sequences two。 Modify the corresponding elements of the sequence according to the matched index
- Use join to reverse the order of strings
const element = `<script>hello</script>`
const transform0 = element => {
// 得到字符序列
const words = element.split("")
const reg = /<|>/g
let res = reg.exec(element)
while (res) {
// 匹配到的位置会被记录到lastIndex属性,由于是从1开始,所以要-1
const index = reg.lastIndex - 1
// 修改序列对应元素
words.splice(index, 1, element.charCodeAt(index))
// 迭代搜索下一个位置
res = reg.exec(element)
return words.join("")
Using dom innerText to escape
// innerText输入,innerHTML输出
const transform1 = element => {
const dom = document.createElement("span")
dom.innerText = element
return dom.innerHTML
Using react-dom/server
Use the renderToString/XSS processing of ReactDOM.
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/server"
const transformHTML = element => ReactDOM.renderToString(<>{element}</>)