Iterable object (iterable)
An iterable object (iterable) is an object with Symbol.iterator deployed. The return value of the iterator is automatically obtained when traversing with for-of
const obj = {
[Symbol.iterator]: function*() {
for (let i = 9; i > 0; i--) yield i
for (let i of obj) {
Determine whether an object is traverable or not
is to see if the Symbol.iterator interface is deployed. This property is of type function.
function isIterable(obj) {
return typeof obj[Symbol.iterator] === "function"
Js built-in iterable
String, Array, Map, Set, arguments and other pseudo arrays, generator
Note that WeakMap and WeakSet are not iterable
console.log(isIterable("")) // true
console.log(isIterable([])) // true
console.log(isIterable(new Map())) // true
console.log(isIterable(new WeakMap())) // false
console.log(isIterable(new Set())) // true
console.log(isIterable(new WeakSet())) // false
console.log(isIterable(arguments)) // true
console.log(isIterable(document.getElementsByTagName("script"))) // true
console.log(isIterable((function*() {})())) // true
FileList is also a pseudo array