// 首先定义父类
function Animal(name) {
// 构造函数中都是实例的属性,不同实例不共享
this.name = name || "Animal"
this.getName = function() {
return this.name
// 原型上的属性,不同实例会共享此属性,不能多继承
Animal.prototype.age = 233
Prototype chain inheritance
if an attribute is not found on the instance, it will be found on the
_ _ proto__
function Dog(name) {
this.name = name
// 设置原型为Animal实例,这会导致所有实例共享以下属性
Dog.prototype = new Animal("Dog")
constructor inheritance
Hijack the constructor of the parent class to initialize the properties of the subclass, and if you inherit more than one call, you will have several
n only inherit construction properties, not prototype properties nction reuse cannot be realized, and each sub-example will make a copy instance is not a parent class instance. Calling instanceof (parent class) will output false
function Cat(name) {
Animal.call(this, name)
Instance inheritance
turned after adding properties to the parent class instance. Similar to the factory function. an instance is a parent class instance, not a subclass instance, and cannot be inherited.
function Pig(name) {
const instance = new Animal(name)
return instance
copy inheritance
Inefficient, inaccessible, unenumerable methods
function Chick(name) {
const instance = new Animal(name)
Object.assign(Chick.prototype, instance)
Combinatorial inheritance
that is, construction inheritance + prototype inheritance
function Cow(name) {
Animal.call(this, name)
// 调用了两次构造函数!(子类优先级高,屏蔽父类属性)
Cow.prototype = new Animal()
// 上面重写了prototype!所以一定记得修复丢失的constructor
Cow.prototype.constructor = Cow
Parasitic combinatorial inheritance
e idea is to get rid of the second constructor call
function Horse(name) {
Animal.call(this, name)
// Horse.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype)
// 修复因重写prototype丢失的constructor
Horse.prototype.constructor = Horse
;(function() {
// 用一个空的构造函数替换掉父类构造函数就行了
const Super = function() {}
Super.prototype = Animal.prototype
Horse.prototype = new Super()
Implement private, static properties
const People = (function(_super) {
// 但是,请注意,这个私有的变量会被所有实例共享!!
// 所以typescript没有选择这种私有方式
const _name = "this is private"
function People(age) {
// 继承构造函数
this.age = age
this.getName = function() {
// 获取私有属性
return _name
// Object.create可以不依赖构造函数,直接使用原型生成一个实例
// 等价于用一个空的构造函数替换原型的构造函数再new
// 继承原型属性
// People.prototype = Object.create(_super.prototype)
People.prototype = Object_create(_super.prototype)
// 上面重写了原型,修复构造函数指向
People.prototype.constructor = People
// 静态属性
People.id = "233"
return People
function Base() {
this.type = "base"
Base.prototype.getType = function() {
return this.type
const p = New(People)(21)
// instanceof判断右边构造函数的prototype原型是否在左边实例的__proto__原型链上
console.log(p instanceof Base) // true
console.log(p instanceof People) // true
Object.create implementation
function Object_create(prototype) {
// 替换构造函数法
// const ctor = function () {}
// ctor.prototype = prototype
// return new ctor()
// 跳过构造函数法,直接绑定原型(原型链指向原型)
const obj = {
__proto__: prototype
return obj
New implementation
new is used to execute functions, but the prototype is bound by the way. so implement it manually:
- New object binding prototype
_ _ proto__
two。 Execute the constructor (note the context)- Return to new object
* @param {Function} constructor
* @returns
function New(constructor) {
// return function () {
// const obj = Object.create(constructor.prototype)
// constructor.apply(obj, arguments)
// return obj
// }
return function() {
var obj = {
__proto__: constructor.prototype
constructor.apply(obj, arguments)
return obj