E0V1E is a strategy developed by the author github/ssssi, which has undergone multiple iterations. The strategy is characterized by its expertise in bottom-fishing rebounds, short holding periods, quick profit-taking, and comes with customized stop-loss.
Below is a logical interpretation.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import talib.abstract as ta
import pandas_ta as pta
from freqtrade.persistence import Trade
from freqtrade.strategy.interface import IStrategy
from pandas import DataFrame
from freqtrade.strategy import DecimalParameter, IntParameter
from functools import reduce
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
# Stores a list of currency pairs above the ma120 and ma240 support levels at the close price on a 5m timeframe
# These pairs will stop-loss exit when breaking the ma120, ma240 support levels
TMP_HOLD1 = []
class E0V1E(IStrategy):
# Default roi is infinite, not using roi for take-profit
minimal_roi = {
"0": 1
# Strategy uses a 5m timeframe
timeframe = '5m'
# Will only process open/close signals on new candle start
process_only_new_candles = True
# Strategy requires at least 240 5m candles to start, which means it will operate after 20 hours
# Mainly because the ma120 and ma240 support levels need longer time frames to calculate
# If other 5m strategies have been run before, this can be reduced as there is cached data available
startup_candle_count = 240
# Order types, market and limit
order_types = {
'entry': 'market', # Market order for entry
'exit': 'market', # Market order for exit
'emergency_exit': 'market', # Market order for emergency exit (used when stop-loss creation fails, usually during sharp drops)
'force_entry': 'market', # Market order for force entry via tg bot/web control forceentry command
'force_exit': "market", # Market order for force exit via tg bot/web control force_exit command
'stoploss': 'market', # Market stop-loss
'stoploss_on_exchange': False, # Whether to automatically set stop-loss on the exchange. (By default, the bot's stop-loss line is not visible on the exchange, enabling this will show it)
'stoploss_on_exchange_interval': 60, # Frequency of exchange sync with bot stop-loss (seconds)
'stoploss_on_exchange_market_ratio': 0.99
stoploss = -0.25 # Hard stop-loss, this attribute will be invalid when use_custom_stoploss is enabled
trailing_stop = False # Trailing stop-loss, it is recommended to turn this off as it can lead to backtesting errors
trailing_stop_positive = 0.002
trailing_stop_positive_offset = 0.05
trailing_only_offset_is_reached = True
use_custom_stoploss = True # Use custom stop-loss
is_optimize_32 = True # Enable hyper-optimization parameters
# Fast rsi parameter
buy_rsi_fast_32 = IntParameter(20, 70, default=40, space='buy', optimize=is_optimize_32)
# Slow rsi parameter
buy_rsi_32 = IntParameter(15, 50, default=42, space='buy', optimize=is_optimize_32)
# sma parameter
buy_sma15_32 = DecimalParameter(0.900, 1, default=0.973, decimals=3, space='buy', optimize=is_optimize_32)
# cti parameter
buy_cti_32 = DecimalParameter(-1, 1, default=0.69, decimals=2, space='buy', optimize=is_optimize_32)
# Sell fastk parameter
sell_fastx = IntParameter(50, 100, default=84, space='sell', optimize=True)
# cci stop-loss parameters
cci_opt = False
sell_loss_cci = IntParameter(low=0, high=600, default=120, space='sell', optimize=cci_opt)
sell_loss_cci_profit = DecimalParameter(-0.15, 0, default=-0.05, decimals=2, space='sell', optimize=cci_opt)
def protections(self):
return [
"method": "CooldownPeriod", # Cooldown period after trades
"stop_duration_candles": 18 # Restart after 18 5m candles
# Custom stop-loss
def custom_stoploss(self, pair: str, trade: Trade, current_time: datetime,
current_rate: float, current_profit: float, **kwargs) -> float:
# When the current profit is greater than 5%, stop-profit if profit drops by 0.2%
if current_profit >= 0.05:
return -0.002
# If the entry signal is buy_new, stop-profit when current profit is greater than 3% and profit drops by 0.3%
if str(trade.enter_tag) == "buy_new" and current_profit >= 0.03:
return -0.003
return None
# Technical indicators calculation
def populate_indicators(self, dataframe: DataFrame, metadata: dict) -> DataFrame:
# buy_1 indicators
dataframe['sma_15'] = ta.SMA(dataframe, timeperiod=15) # sma calculation with 15 candle window
dataframe['cti'] = pta.cti(dataframe["close"], length=20) # cti calculation with 20 candle window
dataframe['rsi'] = ta.RSI(dataframe, timeperiod=14) # rsi calculation with 14 candle window
dataframe['rsi_fast'] = ta.RSI(dataframe, timeperiod=4) # fast rsi calculation with 4 candle window
dataframe['rsi_slow'] = ta.RSI(dataframe, timeperiod=20) # slow rsi calculation with 20 candle window
# profit sell indicators
stoch_fast = ta.STOCHF(dataframe, 5, 3, 0, 3, 0) # STOCHF indicator
dataframe['fastk'] = stoch_fast['fastk'] # The larger the fastk, the easier it is to pull back, similar to rsi, starting to pullback above 80, starting to rebound below 20
dataframe['cci'] = ta.CCI(dataframe, timeperiod=20)
# ma support levels
dataframe['ma120'] = ta.MA(dataframe, timeperiod=120)
dataframe['ma240'] = ta.MA(dataframe, timeperiod=240)
return dataframe
# Entry signals
def populate_entry_trend(self, dataframe: DataFrame, metadata: dict) -> DataFrame:
conditions = []
dataframe.loc[:, 'enter_tag'] = ''
# Go long when all the following conditions are met
# The current slow rsi is less than the slow rsi of the previous candle
# The current fast rsi value is less than the value of the hyperparameter buy_rsi_fast_32, default is 40
# The current rsi value is greater than the value of the hyperparameter buy_rsi_32, default is 42
# The current close price is less than sma_15 multiplied by the coefficient buy_sma15_32, buy_sma15_32 default is 0.973
# cti < buy_cti_32
buy_1 = (
(dataframe['rsi_slow'] < dataframe['rsi_slow'].shift(1)) &
(dataframe['rsi_fast'] < self.buy_rsi_fast_32.value) &
(dataframe['rsi'] > self.buy_rsi_32.value) &
(dataframe['close'] < dataframe['sma_15'] * self.buy_sma15_32.value) &
(dataframe['cti'] < self.buy_cti_32.value)
# buy_new is the same as buy_1, just changing the hyperparameter
buy_new = (
(dataframe['rsi_slow'] < dataframe['rsi_slow'].shift(1)) &
(dataframe['rsi_fast'] < 34) &
(dataframe['rsi'] > 28) &
(dataframe['close'] < dataframe['sma_15'] * 0.96) &
(dataframe['cti'] < self.buy_cti_32.value)
# Set entry signal name buy_1 when buy_1 is satisfied
dataframe.loc[buy_1, 'enter_tag'] += 'buy_1'
# Set entry signal name buy_new when buy_new is satisfied
dataframe.loc[buy_new, 'enter_tag'] += 'buy_new'
# Go long signal when at least one of buy_1 and buy_new is met
if conditions:
reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, conditions),
'enter_long'] = 1
return dataframe
# Custom exit
def custom_exit(self, pair: str, trade: 'Trade', current_time: 'datetime', current_rate: float,
current_profit: float, **kwargs):
dataframe, _ = self.dp.get_analyzed_dataframe(pair=pair, timeframe=self.timeframe)
# Take the current last candle
# Here, to prevent foresight, choose the previous candle
current_candle = dataframe.iloc[-1].squeeze()
# Calculate the minimum profit within the candle
min_profit = trade.calc_profit_ratio(trade.min_rate)
# If the closing price is above ma120 and ma240 support levels, record it in TMP_HOLD
if current_candle['close'] > current_candle["ma120"] and current_candle['close'] > current_candle["ma240"]:
if not in TMP_HOLD:
# If (open price - ma120) / open price > 10%, record in TMP_HOLD1
if (trade.open_rate - current_candle["ma120"]) / trade.open_rate >= 0.1:
if not in TMP_HOLD1:
# If profit is greater than 0
if current_profit > 0:
# Exit if fastk is greater than the hyperparameter sell_fastx
if current_candle["fastk"] > self.sell_fastx.value:
return "fastk_profit_sell"
# If minimum profit is less than -10%
if min_profit <= -0.1:
# Exit if cci > sell_loss_cci
if current_profit > self.sell_loss_cci_profit.value:
if current_candle["cci"] > self.sell_loss_cci.value:
return "cci_loss_sell"
# Exit if closing price falls below ma120
if in TMP_HOLD1 and current_candle["close"] < current_candle["ma120"]:
return "ma120_sell_fast"
# Exit if closing price falls below both ma120 & ma240
if in TMP_HOLD and current_candle["close"] < current_candle["ma120"] and current_candle["close"] < \
if min_profit <= -0.1:
return "ma120_sell"
return None
# Exit technical indicators
# The calculated exit signals are not used here, use the custom stop-loss and custom exit as mentioned above
def populate_exit_trend(self, dataframe: DataFrame, metadata: dict) -> DataFrame:
dataframe.loc[:, ['exit_long', 'exit_tag']] = (0, 'long_out')
return dataframe
Improvement Directions
- This strategy is a contract strategy that can only long (only has enterlong, no entershort), so consider optimizing with DCA. Refer to the article How to Properly DCA with Freqtrade
- The contract strategy does not apply leverage, thus it cannot harness the advantages of contracts. Leverage can be set (recommended between 1-5x)
- If you are interested in this strategy, you can study the coefficient of the sma_15 indicator closely, and you will make a great discovery. The default is 0.973, you can try a lower multiple, recommended to adjust between 0.90 and 0.99. (Win rate, returns, and entry count will vary significantly)
- The cti indicator can be removed, as my tests found it to be of little use
- The sellfastx parameter of fastk can also be focused on, as most exit signals are fastkprofitsell. The recommended sellfastx setting is 50-70; setting it lower will also increase the win rate.