Since there is no type for Monad in TS, the infrastructure is implemented first.
ly do simple implementation, and focus on comparing with haskell code style. jective: to deepen the understanding of Monad.
A value (laziness) is saved in Monad. So it can be defined this way.
type Monad<T> = {
readonly _wrapped_: () => T;
Wrapped is a value wrapper that inerts a value.
aning: a series of operations used to preserve the value context and concatenate the value the upper level relative to the normal value type nad is a type class in haskell
Also known as pure. Raise a value to Monad.
type pure = <T>(a: T) => Monad<T>;
const pure: <T>(a: T) => Monad<T> = value => ({
_wrapped_: () => Object.freeze(value)
aning: inerting a value
Unpack a Monad and then apply a promotion function to return the new Monad.
type join = <A, B>(m: Monad<A>, f: (a: A) => Monad<B>) => Monad<B>;
const join: <A, B>(m: Monad<A>, f: (a: A) => Monad<B>) => Monad<B> = (m, f) =>
meaning: the return value of join is of type Monad, and it accepts that a Monad is mapped to Monad, that is, a self-functor. provides unpacking for instances of Monad type.
Unpack a Monad and then apply a non-lifting function to return a new Monad.
type liftA = <A, B>(m: Monad<A>, f: (a: A) => B) => Monad<B>;
const liftA: <A, B>(m: Monad<A>, f: (a: A) => B) => Monad<B> = (m, f) =>
tting a function lift into Monad
As with lift, it is a method of the Functor type class.
A binary operation
const compose: <A, R1, R2>(
f2: (a: R1) => R2,
f1: (a: A) => R1
) => (a: A) => R2 = (f2, f1) => a => f2(f1(a));
Compare with Haskell Monad
- First create a Monad. In haskell
async_init :: Monad m => m Integer
async_init = pure 1
In typescript
type async_init = Monad<number>;
const async_init: Monad<number> = pure(1);
two。 Use join to perform (+ 1) operations on lower-level values of Monad In haskell
async_join_add :: Monad m => m Integer -> m Integer
async_join_add m = m >>= \a -> pure $ a + 1
In typescript
type async_join_add = (m: Monad<number>) => Monad<number>;
const async_join_add: (m: Monad<number>) => Monad<number> = m =>
join(m, a => pure(a + 1));
- Apply the (+ 1) function to Monad using lift In haskell
async_lift_add :: Monad m => m Integer -> m Integer
async_lift_add m = liftA (\a -> a + 1) m
In typescript
type async_lift_add = (m: Monad<number>) => Monad<number>;
const async_lift_add: (m: Monad<number>) => Monad<number> = m =>
liftA(m, a => a + 1);
- Fmap is the same as lift, but it's not written here.
- Main function In haskell
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- a <- async_fmap_add $ async_lift_add $ async_join_add async_init
a <- async_fmap_add . async_lift_add . async_join_add $ async_init
print a
In typescript
function main() {
// const a = async_fmap_add(
// async_lift_add(async_join_add(async_init()))
// )._wrapped_();
const a = compose(
return pure(() => console.log(a));
About Promise and async
Promise is Monad,Promise.resolve and pure,Promise.then is >. Async is do block,await is < -, return means the same thing.