Component structure: component = container-> Spin-> content? Empty data occupancy
- Container: provides className settings, provides inline style settings, and is responsible for controlling the common style of border style and content.
- Spin: animation showing loading
- Content: responsible for rendering data, the style is inherited from the container as far as possible.
Component interface
- The className setting of the component container has a common prefix that is prefixCls. (less sets the common prefix through variables) two。 Input components provide value and onChange to facilitate docking of form. Example: GetPrefixCls:
import classnames from 'classnames'
import { ClassValue } from 'classnames/types'
const CommonPrefixCls = 'nextpl'
export const getPrefixCls = (suffixCls?: string, ...classes: ClassValue[]) => {
const currentCls = suffixCls
? `${CommonPrefixCls}-${suffixCls}`
: CommonPrefixCls
return classnames(currentCls, ...classes)
import { Spin } from 'antd'
import React, { CSSProperties } from 'react'
export interface ListViewProps {
loading?: boolean
data: any
className?: string
style?: CSSProperties
export const ListView = ({
}: ListViewProps) => {
let content = <>暂无数据</>
if (data) {
content = <>{data}</>
return (
<div className={getPrefixCls('listView', className)} style={style}>
<Spin spinning={loading}>{content}</Spin>
Vscode code snippet:
enter jsx-comp to trigger
"Print to console": {
"prefix": "jsx-comp",
"body": [
"import './style.less'",
"import { Spin } from 'antd'",
"import classnames from 'classnames'",
"import React, { CSSProperties } from 'react'",
"export interface ${1:Component}Props {",
" loading?: boolean",
" data: any",
" className?: string",
" style?: CSSProperties",
"export const ${1:Component} = ({",
" loading,",
" data,",
" className,",
" style,",
"}: ${1:Component}Props) => {",
" let content = <>暂无数据</>",
" if (data) {",
" content = <>内容</>",
" }",
" return (",
" <div className={classnames('${1:Component}', className)} style={style}>",
" <Spin spinning={loading}>{content}</Spin>",
" </div>",
" )",
"description": "jsx comp tpl."
Component Design 2
import { Empty, Skeleton } from 'antd';
import React, { CSSProperties } from 'react';
export interface ListViewProps {
loading?: boolean;
data: any;
className?: string;
style?: CSSProperties;
export const ListView = ({ loading, data, className, style }: ListViewProps) => {
let children = <></>;
if (loading) {
children = <Skeleton active title paragraph />;
} else if (data) {
children = <span>{data}</span>;
} else {
children = <Empty description="无法加载" />;
return (
<div className={getPrefixCls('listView', className)} style={style}>